Chef Puppet

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Examples of Puppetry for Kids and Adults that is Educational

The first place I looked for videos that would demonstrate a relationship between adult and childrens puppetry was of course Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

The Puppetry Company that I found that educates was the Jim Gamble Puppet Productions.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 had many interesting and crazy puppets.   I thought that the humongous puppets were really cool.  I thought that the puppets who changed gender were the coolest ones of the chapter though.  Having the ability to have two actors with only one puppet frees up the puppeteers hands.  Can you imagine a show with four characters but only two puppets?  The possibilities are endless.  I found a video on Youtube of a humongous gender changing puppet.  It was interesting seeing how they made the switch from male to female and how they kept it believable. 
Here is the Link to the video.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Whatever happened to Fragle Rock???

I grew up in a very theatrical family so having an imagination isn’t something new to me.  Whether it was playing with toy soldiers in my bedroom or playing around in the woods with my brothers my imagination just ran wild.  So whenever I would watch “The Muppets” or “Fragle Rock” I believed that what I was seeing was real.  As I got older I began to realize that the puppets weren’t really doing the talking but it was a person.    That’s where the magic really started to happen with me.  Going back and watching episodes of “The Muppets” I still got lost and forgot that the puppets were not real.  I think that’s one of the special things about puppetry.  You can take a simple object like a sock and make it into an incredibly interesting personality or character.   I really like how puppetry doesn’t just have one audience but can be related to anyone of any age race gender or religion.
                I remember watching Sesame Street when I was a little codger and I believed that Big Bird was real and that Oscar the Grouch actually lived in my garbage can.  That’s one of the memories as a kid that I won’t forget that involved puppets.  Even in my teenage days when ventriloquists like Jeff Dunham started to be shown on comedy central and his puppets had so much character and personality they seemed real.  The things that he would say using the puppets was incredible to me because if he would have said them himself he probably would have gotten into trouble but I think that people get so entranced with his puppets that they forget that the puppets aren’t real.
                A show that I have been really interested in seeing is “Avenue Q”.  From what I have been told the show is based on “Sesame Street” and the characters have similarities to “Sesame Street” characters but aren’t trying to appeal to kids.  It’s a puppet show for adults with valuable lessons that that characters sing about like the internet is for porn or how it sucks to be me or even everyone is a little bit racist today.  My parents and older brother have seen the show and listen to the sound track occasionally and the songs are just hilarious and from what I have been told the puppeteers are outstanding. 
                Puppetry is a really interesting part of the theatre world.  I find it interesting that there aren’t more shows involving puppets around like lamb chops play around or The Muppets.  Even performers like the puppeteer from the movie we watched seem to be scarce.  Maybe it’s because I don’t get to travel to big cities where the puppets are a normal thing.  I would hate to see puppets become extinct.